Foreign speakers will participate in the business programme 2023

Not only Russian but also foreign experts will share their knowledge and practical experience within the business programme of the AIRVent exhibition. We present you the abstracts of two reports from foreign speakers.

Pressure relationships in Supertall and MegaTall buildings
Peter Simmonds, Ph.D., Fellow and Life Member ASHRAE, FIBPSA

The expert's speech will be devoted to the analysis of the following aspects related to air exchange during the construction of high-rise and extra-tall buildings:

  • The actual pressure in the shafts of elevators and stairs and its relationship with the outer enclosing surface in changing conditions;
  • The speed and direction of air flows (infiltration or exfiltration) through the facade, their impact on the design load;
  • Determining the load on cooling and heating systems, forecasting energy consumption;
  • The nuances of climate and its impact on the performance of high-rise buildings.
Ecodesign and New Strategies in Energy Efficiency
Süleyman Kavas, TTMD Turkish Society of HVAC and Sanitary Engineers, Marketing and Business Development Manager, Üntes Air Conditioning Systems

As part of his speech, the expert will comment on the following issues of energy efficiency and ecodesign:

  • The process of assessing energy efficiency and performance in air conditioning systems;
  • Design and implementation errors leading to energy losses in air conditioning systems;
  • Use of waste energy in air conditioning systems;
  • Ecodesign rules and their impact on the energy efficiency process.

The reports of foreign and Russian experts can be heard at the Business programme of the AIRVent exhibition, which will be held on February 14-17 in Moscow, Crocus Expo IEC. The business program will accompany the exhibition during all three days.
Its schedule, which is still forming, can be found here >>

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