5 reasons to visit AIRVent 2024

Find out what opportunities a visit to the AIRVent exhibition offers for your business. Get a free ticket using a special promotional code
Less than two months remain until a major industry event - the 2nd International Exhibition of Equipment for Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration AIRVent 2024. Thousands of visitors from 53 regions and 13 countries have already registered for the upcoming exhibition.
Right now you can get a free e-ticket for the AIRVent 2024 exhibition using the airvent promo code.
Why visit AIRVent 2024?
Efficient B2B-platform provides visitors withing 4 days with the opportunity to:
Find new manufacturers and suppliers
By this day more than 100 companies have confirmed their participation, both industry leaders and new market players. Among them: Veza, Blagovest, Nevatom, Roven, Vertro, Thermex, Blizzard, Breezart, Climate Empire, BRIZ-Climate Systems, Buhler-AHS, Clivet, GalVent, ERA, Dunham-Bush, Hoocon, Korf, Simecs, TURKOV, Aer Group, Aero Ixia, Grotix, Antares, Unisplit, Ventart, Ventmashina, Ventmodern, RostoPlast, Home Electro Systems and many others.
Exhibitor list 2024 >>-
Choose the best engineering solutions for your business tasks
One of the advantages of the offline format of the exhibition is the opportunity to study the flagship positions and new products of exhibitors live at one venue, compare price offers and make an informed decision. Exhibitors’ products
Exhibitors’ products >>-
Study the proposals of exhibitors in 8 sections of the exhibition
The exhibition will feature a wide range of climate control equipment and technologies for:
- domestic
- commercial
- industrial facilities
In 2024, exhibitors’ products will be presented in 8 thematic sections, from ventilation equipment to services.
Learn more about the exhibition sections >>-
Stay up to date with current industry events
The exhibition’s rich business program of 10 events with industry experts will allow you to keep abreast of the latest events and market trends, learn about new technological solutions and achievements, as well as exchange experiences and opinions with colleagues from different regions of Russia and countries. The business program includes International Ventilation Congress AIRVent which is bilingual (English and Russian, it has simultaneous translation) and touches upon the most important issues in the ventilation industry all over the world.
Enter into new business agreements
AIRVent 2024 has everything for effective communication between visitors and equipment manufacturers and suppliers. You can discuss the terms of further cooperation and conclude an agreement right at the venue. According to the AIRVent 2023 survey, 62% of visitors found new suppliers and business partners.