What products are visitors interested in at AIRVent?

Every year, AIRVent, a pivotal event in the ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration equipment solutions sector attracts thousands of visitors

In 2024, AIRVent was visited by more than 7,500 professionals, 94% of whom came to find products and services for business and get acquainted with trends.
Read more about visitor business profile >>

It should be noted that the majority of visitors (71%) show an interest in industrial equipment, 54% in domestic equipment and 35% in semi-industrial equipment.

What are visitors to the exhibition interested in?

AIRVent 2024 exhibitors presented their products and equipment in 8 thematic sections. The audience showed interest in all sections of the exhibition, and the top three most popular categories were:

  • Ventilation equipment — 75%
  • Air conditioning equipment — 62%
  • Accessories for conditioning and ventilation — 51%
Visitors` Product interest

* The survey used a multiple choice question

According to a survey of exhibitors, 68% found new customers at the show.

Book a stand at AIRVent 2025 and present your new products and technological solutions to an interested audience!