AIRVent 2024 press release: new climate control equipment and industry development trends

AIRVent, the 2nd International Exhibition of Equipment and Technologies for Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration for Domestic, Commercial and Industrial Facilities, will take place on February 6 – 9, 2024 in Crocus Expo IEC, Moscow
For the second time, the AIRVent exhibition will act as a leading platform for communication of all participants of the climate market. Local and international manufacturers and suppliers will present their new products and time-tested solutions. AIRVent 2024 will provide exhibitors with an incentive to develop their business, and visitors with the opportunity to find the necessary equipment within one site.
100+ companies from Russia, Turkey and China are taking part in the exhibition. For 70% of them, participation in AIRVent will be their debut. The number of participants has doubled compared to 2023.
Exhibitor list
Exhibitors’ products
Interactive floorplan
Moreover, the AIRVent 2024 exposition has also expanded significantly – it has tripled. Exhibitors will demonstrate their products on 8,000 sq. m.
Get an e-ticketIndustry leaders and up-and-coming companies will demonstrate the latest technologies for both industrial and residential buildings. As part of the exhibition, visitors will be able to see and appreciate the following:
- Efficient and economical inverter compressors with a compact design that combines style and functionality (Haier)
- Modern ventilation equipment for various objects: industrial fans, climate control systems, automation and components (Vetran)
- Smart pumps of the NMT series, with which you can implement heat distribution in rooms (IMP Pumps)
- V-shaped dry cooler with adiabatic irrigation, Prima condenser, T-Heat fan heater, T-Wall air curtain, etc. (Terma)
- Air handling units, equipment for swimming pool air conditioning, duct coolers, new products and prototypes (TURKOV)
- INNOVERT VENT series of frequency converters that meets all the requirements of ventilation system manufacturers (Promsitekh)
- Residential inverter systems with the unique ability to operate stably at mains voltages from 120 to 260 V (Centek AIR)
- Unique rectangular air ducts and shaped elements in the CIS, manufactured using TDC III integrated flange technology (Nevatom)
- “Live” technical exposition with equipment in operation (Vertro)
- A new modification of a condenserless chiller in a housing, a monoblock chiller with free cooling, as well as a geothermal pump of the Compact series (Thermex Enegrgy)
Among the exhibitors: Veza, Blagovest, Nevatom, Roven, Vertro, Thermex, Blizzard, Breezart, Climate Empire, BRIZ-Climate Systems, Buhler-AHS, Clivet, GalVent, ERA, Dunham-Bush, Hoocon, Korf, Simecs, TURKOV, Aer Group, Aero Ixia, Grotix, Antares, Unisplit, Ventart, Ventmashina, Ventmodern, RostoPlast, Home Electro Systems, etc.
The entire range of climate control equipment and technologies will be presented in eight product groups:
- Ventilation equipment
- Air conditioning equipment
- Accessories for air conditioning and ventilation
- Commercial and industrial refrigeration systems
- Building automation / software
- Air quality monitoring systems
- Tools
- Services
Olga Egorova, Director of the AIRVent and Aquatherm Moscow exhibitions:
“In the current situation, import substitution has acquired a new meaning and has become a vital necessity. Russian manufacturers and suppliers of climate control products need all existing tools to develop their business. Therefore, we place great emphasis on supporting Russian companies and are actively developing the Russian part of the exposition. I'm sure we’ve succeeded. AIRVent is an opportunity for local manufacturers to strengthen the brand’s position and enter new export markets.
AIRVent is steadily growing and expanding. This year, exhibitors will present new products and best solutions on 8,000 sq. m of exhibition space - a three-fold increase compared to 2023. The number of participating companies has doubled - from 52 to 120. Confirming the International status of the exhibition, colleagues from China and Turkey will share innovative developments.
Interest in the exhibition is growing among professionals in the climate control industry. This is confirmed by preliminary data on the number of tickets received. It increased by 29% compared to the same period in 2023. We pay great attention to attracting targeted visitors so that their goals coincide with the goals of our exhibitors. The AIRVent 2024 exhibition deserves the attention of specialists in the climate and refrigeration markets. We invite you to Crocus Expo on February 6-9 and wish everyone success at the exhibition.”
10+ events will take place as part of the business program of the AIRVent exhibition. More than 50 experts will present current industry information, talk about trends in the development of ventilation and air conditioning systems, and also share their experience in implementing non-standard projects using the latest generation engineering equipment systems.
During 4 days, exhibition guests will be able to attend a number of events for free:
- VII International Ventilation Congress
- Analytical plenary session “Comfort Engineering: shaping a new reality”
- Discussion “Marketing and sales practices in climate business”
- Discussion “Industrial and commercial refrigeration market: review, trends, modern solutions”
- V annual conference of the Guild of Gas Equipment Engineers
- Conference “BIM models of equipment and materials, implemented on the basis of local team platforms and digital libraries of components: today and tomorrow”
- Engineering Designer's Day
- Industry day of the Russian Ministry of Construction project “Smart City”. Features of interaction between the customer and the contractor at the design stage of construction projects
- Conference “Energy of Innovation: Solutions for Modern Energy Efficient Construction”
The central event of the AIRVent business program will be the VII International Ventilation Congress. The experts' focus is on climate change and the transition to carbon neutrality, and the role of the construction sector in achieving these goals. Particular emphasis will be placed on climate control equipment and ventilation as a key tool in solving the problem of decarbonization of the construction industry.
Among the speakers at the VII International Ventilation Congress are recognized local and international experts.
- Professor Xianting Li, Head of the Department of Building Sciences, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University (Beijing, China), will present new ways to improve indoor air quality and energy efficiency of buildings.
- Yuri Tabunshchikov, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences (RAACS), will make a report on the topic “Ecological human habitat: a reality that is infinitely dangerous to ignore.”
- Georgy Litvinchuk, General Director of Litvinchuk-Marketing, will tell you all about the situation on the market for industrial climate control equipment.
- Frank Hovorka, President of the French HVAC Association AICVF, will share ways to assess energy performance and carbon emissions.
- Peter Simmonds, PhD, research fellow and member of ASHRAE/IBPSA (International Building Performance Modeling Association), will talk about managing thermoactive floor structures for space conditioning.
- Marianna Brodach, Vice-President of NP "ABOK", Professor at the Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy) will act as a moderator of the discussions.
There will also be such speakers at the business program as: Alexey Busakhin, General Partner of the Congress, Scientific Consultant of Aerdin LLC, Nikolay Shilkin, Ph.D., Executive Secretary of TK 474, Professor of the Moscow Architectural Institute, Alexander Boganik, Ph.D., Technical Director of Acoustic Group, Member of the NP "ABOK" category "Premium", Alexander Kolubkov, VicePresident of the NP "ABOK", Director of the PPF "AK", Member of the NP "ABOK" category "Premium", Evgeniy Bakharev, Development Director Buhler-AHS Russia, Member of the NP "ABOK" in the "Premium" category, Roman Mitronov, General Director of NOIZZLESS LLC, Member of the NP "ABOK" in the "Premium" category.
The analytical plenary session “Comfort Engineering: Shaping a New Reality” will be the opening event for the Aquatherm Moscow and AIRVent exhibitions. Experts will discuss various aspects, ranging from the share of failed procurements and indemand engineering technologies, to analysis of government procurement and the competitive environment in this industry. Listeners will be introduced to a detailed overview of investment activity in Russia from 2024 to 2030, with a focus on large projects in infrastructure, industry and civil construction.
During the industry day of the Russian Ministry of Construction's "Smart City" project, experts will examine issues of effective interaction between design directors of Russia's largest construction organizations and suppliers of ventilation and climate control equipment.
Within the V annual conference of the Guild of Gas Equipment Engineers, issues related to changes in legislation in the field of maintenance and repair of household gas-using equipment, problems of the transition period after the entry into force of Federal Law-71, as well as issues covering the activities of other market participants in the field of repair and maintenance of household gas equipment will be discussed.
The discussion “Marketing and Sales Practices in Climate Business” will discuss methods and ways of promotion on social networks, identify the main tasks and competencies of a seller of engineering systems, and much more.
At the conference “BIM models of equipment and materials, implemented on the basis of local team platforms and digital libraries of components: today and tomorrow,” experts will raise the following topics for discussion: the needs and expectations of users - designers; creation and use of BIM models of equipment and materials from manufacturers; government, industry associations and vendors.
As part of the Engineering Designer's Day, experts will analyze the latest innovations in the field of technical regulation, changes to Codes of Practice with comments received from users.
The conference “Energy of Innovation: Solutions for Modern Energy-Efficient Construction” will be devoted to an analysis of the most energy-efficient technologies in construction and everyday life.
The discussion “Industrial and commercial refrigeration market: review, trends, modern solutions” will be devoted to discussing issues of production and promotion of products for industrial and commercial refrigeration systems made in Russia, as well as issues of training highly qualified personnel.
The AIRVent team is grateful for the support of the exhibition
AIRVent 2024 thanks for the official support the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Department of Investment and Industrial Policy of Moscow.
General Exhibition and Business Program Partner: NP “ABOK”
General media partner: C.O.K. magazine
Industry media partner: HeatClub magazine / portal
Media support is provided by: Association “ABOK NORTH-WEST”, KrioFrost Academy, Magazine / Portal “Master Forum. Consumer", Portal "Refrigeration Industry", Journal "Refrigeration Technology", Magazine / Portal "Cold Empire", Portal "Sector Media", Magazine "Architecture and Construction", Magazine / Portal "Fulcrum", Magazine / Portal "VashDom", Magazine “Equipment. Developments. Technologies”, Portal “KIPIA Info”, Industry Information Agency “Energy News”, Magazine “Electrical Engineering Market”, Specialized Industry Internet Portal “”, International Portal “Discover New Russia!” and others.