AIRVent 2024: the course for growth and development. 7500+ unique visitors, 120 exhibitors, 9 professional events

AIRVent 2024 - the second International Exhibition of Equipment and Technologies for Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration of Industrial, Domestic and Commercial Facilities - took place from 6 to 9 February in Moscow, Crocus Expo
AIRVent 2024 was a great success and grew significantly compared to its first edition in 2023, as confirmed by both statistics and positive feedback from exhibitors:
- 120 exhibitors from Russia, China and Turkey (+131% compared to 2023!)
- 7,500+ unique visitors from 76 Russian regions and 14 countries (+48% compared to 2023!)
- 9 educational events
- 950+ unique attendees to the business programme
- 90% of exhibitors are satisfied with AIRVent 2024*
- 84% of visitors plan to attend AIRVent next year as well*
* *Based on the results of surveys of AIRVent 2024 exhibitors and visitors
The visitor profile of AIRVent 2024 proves that the exhibition is visited by the target professional audience: 23% - managers and specialists of installation organisations, 20% design and construction organisations, 16% industrial enterprises and 33% trading companies.
The success of the show is also confirmed by the positive feedback from exhibitors:
*"The first day already proves we are not participating here in vain. We have already received quite a large number of contacts, and contacts that are "hot", and I think that contracts are not far off."
Egor Pavlenko, Marketing and Commercial Director, Nevatom
*"We have already received many new contacts. We hope this AIRVent will allow us to enter new projects to accomplish technical projects successfully."
Evgenia Miroshina, Head of Public Relations, SVOK
"I am sure that next year we will also participate. Today is only the second day of the exhibition, and already hundreds of new contacts and hundreds of new people have got to know our organisation. I am sure that in 2024, this exhibition will be the point of growth for us, which will allow us to meet all our target audience and exceed the sales plan for Breez."
Konstantin Grigoriev, Technical Director, Breez
"We are very pleased to be an exhibitor at this wonderful exhibition. It is, indeed, one of the brightest events of the year. It is a breath of fresh air for the entire climate industry. The fact that the exhibition is growing, the exhibition is developing makes us happy."
Nikita Petrov, Head of Marketing Department, Haier Rus
"This is one of the coolest engineering trade shows. It is always better to communicate with the customer face-to-face. It's better to chat, shake hands and make the microclimate in buildings better together in the future."
Sergey Barinov, Project Manager, Aero Ixia
"Russia is our largest business partner in the HVAC sector. I can confidently say that we will continue to participate in the AIRVent exhibition. We are grateful to the Organiser for this opportunity to be here, we are happy to cooperate."
Pamuk Dilan Ozyurek Dunan, Expert, ISIB
The AIRVent exposition
In an exhibition area of over 8,000 square metres, the entire range of air conditioning equipment and technologies was presented in the following product groups:
- Ventilation equipment
- Air conditioning equipment
- Air conditioning and ventilation components
- Commercial and industrial refrigeration equipment
- Building automation/software
- Air quality control systems
- Tools
- Services
The exhibition was attended by such leading companies as: Aer Group, AIROON, Alasca Ru, Breezart, Buhler-AHS, Centak air, Chunmu refrigeration, Clivet, Dunham-Bush, ERA, Hiref, Hoocon, Horynize, Invertor Energy, Kngfit, Korf, Minibox, Simecs, Superair, Thermex, TURKOV, Waer, Antares, APIKS GK, Aervan, Aero Ixia, Aerostar, Belluno Service, Blagovest, Blizzard Luftechnik, BRIZ-Climatic Systems, Vakio, Vanvent, Veza, Vencon Ural, Ventart, Ventmashina, Ventmodern, Vertro, Vetran, Vlaga Pro, GalVent, Grotiks, Klimata Imperia, InfraReda, Meratek, Nevatom, Panova Tech, Promvent, Promsitech, Resol, Roven, RostoPlast, Stok, Sigma-Vent, SL-Laser, Sputnik, Unisplit, Home Electric Systems and many others.
Explore the full list of 2024 exhibitors hereAIRVent visitors had the opportunity to see and test new products designed for industrial, residential and commercial applications.
For example, Haier's innovative Casarte air conditioner, which features energy efficiency, automatic air purification of harmful particles, noise reduction technology and intelligent control systems that adapt to environmental changes, was demonstrated at the exhibition.
Nevatom introduced visitors to rectangular ducts and fittings with TDC III integrated flange technology. This technology ensures compliance with density class "C" according to the Eurovent 2.2 standard and therefore high energy efficiency in ventilation systems.
Klimatventmash presented ventilation systems for facilities of any technological purpose: public buildings and shopping malls, subways and space centres, microelectronics and medicine, petrochemistry and clean rooms, etc. The equipment is designed to solve almost all possible ventilation and air conditioning tasks.
TERMA demonstrated heat exchangers, dual-flow air coolers, V-shaped drycoolers, Prima condensers, T-Heat heaters, T-Wall air curtains.
Among the new products presented by TERMOINDUSTRY are Dunham-Bush refrigeration and air conditioning systems; Hon Ming closed and open-type wet cooling towers and Termovent ventilation, air conditioning and air purification units.
KlimatProf showcased to visitors their innovations of climate control equipment from Fujitsu, TOSOT, Lessar, Quattroclima, and Dahaci brands.
CENTEK AIR has introduced domestic inverter systems with the unique ability to operate stably at mains voltages from 120 to 260V. This ensures stable and reliable operation of the equipment even with unstable voltage, which is especially relevant for Russian operating conditions. In 2024, CENTEK AIR will launch sales of 6 new series, adhering to the concept of designer air conditioners, of the highest level of quality and with more than affordable price, including the CT-66AMSD multi-conditioner series.
Products of participating companies 2024AIRVent 2024 Business Programme - the most up-to-date knowledge for visitors!
The sessions were presented by 57 key speakers and opinion leaders from Russia and other countries. The business programme included 9 events covering various topics of ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration, including:
- VII International Ventilation Congress
- Analytical plenary session "Comfort Engineering: Shaping a New Reality"
- Discussion "Marketing and Sales Practices in the Climate Business"
- Discussion "Industrial and Commercial Refrigeration Market: Overview, Trends, Modern Solutions"
- V Annual Conference of the Guild of Gas Equipment Engineers
- Conference "BIM Models of Equipment and Materials Realised on the Basis of Local Tim-platforms and Digital Component Libraries: Today and Tomorrow"
- Designers’ Day
- Industry day of the Smart City Project of the Russian Ministry of Construction. Peculiarities of Interaction between Client and Contractor at the Stage of Designing Construction Projects
- Conference “Energy of Innovations: Solutions for Modern Energy Efficient Construction"
The main event was the VII International Ventilation Congress "Creating the future by combining knowledge and innovations in the field of safe microclimate" (co-organiser NP ABOK). International and Russian speakers discussed changes in the air-conditioning equipment market, environmental safety, new technologies and strategies of ventilation, heating and heat supply in a changing world for low energy, zero emission, high comfort and IAQ buildings.
During the Analytical Plenary Session "Comfort engineering: shaping a new reality" the speakers presented analyses of the tender market for engineering equipment and shared their forecasts for Russia's investment policy in 2024-2030.
The Designer's Day was dedicated to exploring engineering systems design methods and concepts, including aspects of compliance with government standards and regulatory requirements.
At the BIM&BEM 2024 Conference, leading industry experts together with Alexander Gudko (C.O.K. Magazine) and Alesander Osipov (BIM Academy) discussed BIM models of equipment and materials implemented based on local TIM platforms, as well as digital component libraries.
The panellists in the discussion "Specifics of interaction between client and contractor at the design stage of construction projects" covered a wide range of topics, including project implementation experiences, interaction with manufacturers of engineering systems, selection of engineering equipment, as well as issues of energy efficiency and automation of engineering systems in smart apartment buildings. The session was moderated by Anatoly Kurmanov, Deputy Head of the Working Group of the Russian Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services, and the speakers were representatives of leading companies in the construction sector, including design directors, deputy general directors, chief engineers and other senior specialists.
The discussion "Industrial and commercial refrigeration market: overview, trends, modern solutions" was held in partnership with Refrigeration Technology magazine. Ilya Malafeev, Head of the Scientific and Educational Centre "Cryofrost Academy," moderated the session. The participants discussed the problems of import substitution of refrigeration equipment, presented innovative solutions for water and glycol cooling systems, and discussed personnel training for the refrigeration industry.
The AIRVent team would like to express its gratitude for the support of the exhibition
AIRVent 2024 Exhibition would like to thank the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation and the Department of Investment and Industrial Policy of the City of Moscow for their official support.
General partner of the exhibition and business programme: NP ABOK
General Information Partner: "C.O.K." magazine.
Industry Information Partner: HeatClub Magazine / Portal
Information support is provided by: "Cryofrost" Academy, Association "AVOK SEVERO-WEST", Journal / Portal "Master-forum. Consumer", Portal "Refrigeration Industry", Journal "Refrigeration Technology", Journal / Portal "Cold Empire", Portal "Sector-Media", Journal "Architecture and Construction", Journal / Portal "Point of Support", Journal / Portal "VashDom", Journal "Equipment. Developments. Technologies", Portal "KIPIA Info", Industry Information Agency "Energy News", Journal "Market of Electrical Engineering", Specialised Industry Internet Portal "", International Portal "Open New Russia!" and others.
The Organiser would also like to thank the visitors and exhibitors.